
Medifocus owns the patented Adaptive Phased Array (“APA”) microwave focusing technology platform, which can precisely target and control microwave energy to cause heating in cancerous and benign tumors anywhere in the body reliably and repeatedly. The ability to target tumors with a precisely controlled dose of heat can be used to destroy tumors with heat alone, and to treat tumors in combination with chemotherapy and/or radiation at moderate temperatures for increased effectiveness of therapeutic drugs and genes at tumor sites. While the core APA technology has been licensed from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Medifocus has further refined the precision of the microwave focusing and control ability and developed the APA 1000 system for the treatment of breast cancer. The Company has received regulatory approvals to complete the APA 1000’s pivotal Phase-III clinical trials, the final step before marketing approval. Medifocus plans to further expand the capabilities of its APA microwave focusing technology platform to develop and commercialize other focused heat treatment systems for surface, subsurface and deep seated tumors anywhere in the body. We are increasing the likely-hood of survival with our innovative cancer treatment.

In addition to the APA technology, Medifocus also owns a patented Endo-thermotherapy technology platform. Our Prolieve® Thermodilatation System for the treatment of BPH was originally developed and commercialized utilizing the Endo-thermotherapy technology by the current Medifocus management, product development, clinical and regulatory teams while at Celsion Corporation.  The U.S. FDA-approved Prolieve® System is a medical device that both heats the prostate and dilates the prostatic urethra. The Prolieve® System is the only minimally invasive treatment option for the symptoms of enlarged prostate in men indicated by the FDA as an in office treatment alternative to drug therapy.